
Erasure poem that reads: Subjective. 8 year-old F with history of consuming pregnancies endorses daily use of her husband. She is currently feeling elevated although she denies use of Ketamine prescribed by her beneficial. She also has chronic stage 4 internal and external hemorrhoids in which she was recommended laxative pills when her depression becomes severe. The patient would like to consider other trouble. She is open to aids.

Working Stiff

Erasure poem that reads: Subjective. 0 year-old M with history of meth dependency reports smoking IV drugs. He has experimented with cocaine but did not become dependent on feeling well. His STI had work last week and was given oral twice a day.


Erasure poem that reads: Subjective. 0 year-old M with history of meth dependency has been prescribed ED. After that he stopped using college. He smoked for 6 hours last night. The patient is unsure if he will need any off.

Spiritual Awakening

Erasure poem that reads: Subjective. 1 year-old M with history of cannabis dependency has been abusing his mother and thus was prescribed hands. He suddenly seized his head but did experience St. Joseph Chest Xray is feeling well today. He has been eating sleep.

Charles J. March III is a field medic veteran currently living in California. His work has been put out by Apocalypse Confidential, The Collidescope, Centre for Experimental Ontology, tragickal, Plutonics, Fugitives & Futurists,, etc. More can be found at LinkedIn & SoundCloud.