Cookie Poem

If you’re me you eat a TOLLHOUSE cookie homemade
You eat it with some milk in eternity you might dunk it.

You might dunk your cookie right where you found it and wait.
It unfolds like a memory. Yumm that was great thank you Mom.

Now a Somoa by Girl Scouts: secreting something chocolate,
coconut drizzle, door to door, you might dip into the mirror and become

Mother. I heard she makes bones from scratch in her stomach
is it true? Yes. She is a genius. Read her book it’s about oblivion

and “sleep.” It’s a recipe book of poisons and she gave it to PTSD
as a secret gift. Careen down the stairs to her. Say, Mom I love you.
Book, I love you, Body, I love you. Cookie treat.

Matt Bussa is a poet and educator from Berkeley, CA. His writing has appeared in Poetry, Praxinoscope, and California Poets Vol 1.