With Abandon
I am bad at expressing myself and try
like everyone else to move
days on my shoulders smoothly
like a plain word in such a plain sentence you walked to your car
things are decided by size of shoulders and yours
were such of a shoulder I thought I was looking at slow posture coming in bloom
a pouring out was actually occurring and really the year shook with it but here in my head things seem so obvious
you were just walking
to brim with moan is something
at one time or another in streets
possible lampposts possible blue
skies it's not like we all live in the mood
of weather
straight line flicker
I lost
this moment while speaking I
lost this coat on Monday
and hoped I hadn't lost this year
among things like I lost every
aspect of a circle
we don't isolate
that noun enough it is to sigh lets
make a sound and break
the page in half from sheer drive
having it all here
on platters of open oven we've
got that wild linen
to look at things and say yes
do you remember the night that we both didn't sleep and you were of course my little sister and so
it was not okay for you to buy me a pregnancy test from the Wal-Mart across from the hotel
but you did and it was negative and we were joy while figuring out the sun was of course rising
and so we saw that too and cried and it's not like you were fine we weren't in fact sisters fine
with god but there
on the high point of some town we broke
fracture is how I feel
in some of the minutes spent
shaking this bowl
I would love
for you to not
notice even your breath but
somehow it's at those moments light cranks
the pacific from a cruise ship white ship white
you would wonder how space seems to be so
you would wonder how light falls on water just
rests violence
it is a love
that yanks faces this way that
way a thirst of seeing
wilderness and somehow the second night I met an ex
heroin addict
he was from Australia and spun me on a dance floor
on a ship like I've never felt gorgeous
sun setting on
wincing on so many waters
space is only everything we don't notice
with abandon
not a way of knowing
anymore the arm fumbles for sides and what
are warm ribs I've been looking
for a way to say the body
since I gave up on memory
and really it's so appalling
that someone can look
gin on white paper
weak with weak with lean over some crisp border
years are so woven
knock on
curve on pink on bend breaking open
a chin falls over and leaks life everywhere
Alexis Renee Smith lives in Boulder, CO where she teaches creative writing at the University of Colorado, and is an MFA candidate. She is also involved in Timber, a literary journal, and has interned for CU’s Subito Press. She has two small dogs named Gretel and Arthur.