Still Life in Four Poses
dead menagerie no sleeping no breathing paintbrush for
the lacquer five hairs on a stick hyper bearic
evacuated of air passivity of the verb rolling over to
expose its belly dead as in non-living from Greek dia
meaning “through” and orama menaing “that which is
seen” brown bear brown clutch the memory of
something friendlier see brush furrows in fur
room all arctic where are the chemical pumps where
syringes dust cloud clouds the iris gawk wild
telescoping detail orchestra pitted the public drift of
continents donation from anonymous sources
to look is learn passivity the pouring sight in
cmon honey pose with the penguin
hot fur under stage lights glue the drifts back
proximate trees A/C wheeze they add the
artificial shutter click scaled for average height to awe
children put this in a box could gather prints from this
glass pocket ticket crackle fur flat from no fat
underneath keep the body around to demonstrate
with a glance here is what we’ve done
blue paint channels the vision to keep it feeling material
hard protrusion horn two teeth piercing the head
doused in sheen fine hair glints golden flat goat
baby backdrop no perspective question of access
hung mobile cost $17 to stand here adult Latinate
genus species a barbed wire line linger the land burned
dust move the glare by tilting objects objectified
we orient toward whimper whimper wail
The Digital Sea
I stalk the shore
of a digital sea,
digital to me but not
in actuality. Pale-limb children
play games— red swim
suits sprout pillars of snow.
Each sand grain
a pixel.
The digital sea has no
floor but one can still
drown in it. The slow seep
of digital water can climb
the bedskirt, can fizzle and pool
on the landlocked comforter.
Two inches enough
mothers warn from
the shoreline.
Smiles function evidentially—
all the people on this
digital beach are happy.
My absence is brimming with capital
unspent to be there with them.
Cannon Beach rocks
hulk spectral, staking
the digital sea down at its corners:
a rug in a house
with no walls.
Wave crystal rimmed
with pixel foam. If I speak as if
I’ve been here, no one will know
the lie.
The waves
are very cruel: they have no
money in them.