I would be your mobile rectum. Would be a coal in your bed. Would bear your mass between row-homes. Would eat your destiny paste. Would purge the flagellant discourse, watch sports. Would learn to gape my passages so you could crawl inside. Would let you watch for hours the world seep in and out my sphincters. Put your fat dick in my mouth right when you got home from work, inhale the frying oil settled on your sticky pelvis. Buy you cigarettes. Call you faggot while we hide in bed. Be your secret anus. Enjoy the parts of you that sink. Smoke you over soaking asphalt. Imagine your body for you, refill the core with something pliable and genderless. Would lick you out if you let me.
Penny Nipples
Tabletop coated in sediment
Fags in a stack
Fridge full of limpness
Feet levitate from hardwood floor,
Sonic nipples
Something something
So what I squandered time
In sleep I push through a membrane of tar
Salute the ceiling from a mountain of bongs
Salute the sky from a frozen balcony
My soul sucked into the heavens
Crying on a pile of broken playstations
I want to play Kingdom Hearts with my man
Light as a feather stiff as a sword
We listen to Isley Brothers
A queer myth smokes us out of the room
Neverending rollie
I identify as a gamer
Balanced on the tiny fingers of a douchebag
Profound candle
Outside it smells like a month
Archangel sagging along the guard rail. Hypermasculine utterances come to roil. The screen goes black. The screen awakes on him kneeling in the weeds. Fellatio nightmare. Jalopy open like a throat, the body nestled in its palate. Detroit Pistons Tommy Hilfiger dusk peristalsis producing authentic moans. Light from the present courses through the prolific mammary, secreting from millions of ducts. They recognize the residual violence of thousands of lips sheathing their image, the bleed of continuities. The network’s tap perpetually regenerates the dead moment’s image.
[Opens slavering maw]
The club is teeming with asses
Abercrombie coitus
Dunham Hills DUI:
Schlockered 30-year-olds dig my darkness for magic
quivering bussy carries forth my mother’s legacy
dying dog begs for oatmeal raisin cookies
“Be damn careful” says my grandma
Jake Symbol is a communist organizer living in Philadelphia. His chapbook, ARTPORN (2016), is published by Citizen of the World. He tweets @JakeSymbol.