I WAS BORN We got lost on the tributaries
and reeds
By canoe at this tiny stream my
uncle made me do it a few days later
dd We got lost on the tributaries
and reeds
A few days later
lovers [amateurs]
when technologically exteriorized, memory
-come the object of control
The proletariat are those economic
actors who are without memory
become seraphs
Their memory has passed
into the machine that re
produces gestures that pro
lariat no longer needs to
know – they avast simply
serve the reproductive mac
hind and thus, once again, they
become seraphs
produces gestures that the pub
excrescent knowledge needs to
become pan-seared again
Ketámine: do not cry blue greens
deep sea king. The deep seeking of the
pronunciation of this tiny stream my
uncle made me do it. The inability to
get lost int he tributaries. Once again
my] ripped the tongue out of the sea
drastically bouganvillea. The inability to
pronounce the thing the way the teeming should kiss necks. Lick naps and canoe
the object of control the actors
don’t have memories that are personal
ascots, Holly at the end of mind a
great amount of focus is required
in his green rage. The inability to
speak Mecca growth this abbot Hide
-i, to mispronounce the drug because the drug a tab upon your tongue. Produces
can be ] fissures born
by canoe at this tiny stream my
uncle made me do it
We got lost on the tributaries
and reeds
a few days later
i was born. Led the siege
on Minneapolis? At least
on a tiny polis. Served the
reproductive hind and thus,
once again, they became
dilations. There is a radical
dictation. This is radial,
personal hearts’ habitus.
There is my lover Jim.
Jared Joseph is boring