the obligatory garnish argument

barged in with the obligatory garnish argument
again, again, my imaginary tourism-experiment,
itself an excess

the obligatory garnish argument 

twig rubbed fish plated     pre-tarnished service
rigged an impromptu feeding tube
for the barn guard’s double shift

the obligatory garnish argument 

everything is to be expected
torque of rotted ribbed arteries
round the luxury oxygen garden

why are you still reading this?
Is it because you haven’t found the right cure yet? Or the right medication?
Is it because you haven’t found the right therapist?

the obligatory garnish argument

this form requires one more signatory
snubbed by the oxygen garden board
stamen gushed and gushed

If you're still reading this, then I'm glad this is not a time of emergency,
and we can move on to talk some more about cats and poisoning.
but why are you still reading this?

Is It Because You've Been Lied To Like Me
because after the age of 25 your body almost completely stops
Or...... Because You Can't Afford To Fight It Anymore?

If you've read this far, and are still hot and heavy to run a day care operation,
I'm insulted
But if you've read this far, I know you are a real writer, and I know you have talent

the obligatory garnish argument 

the gutted argonaut dish
makes my wrists blush
my experiment is in a rut

the obligatory garnish argument 

this glib drought     requires
liberal sub-global oxygen garden policy
here, take all my cable knits

Meg Ronan's poems have appeared or will appear in APARTMENT Poetry, Big Lucks, Everyday Genius, SpringGun and other lovely journals. She takes selfies & works as a shop girl at Bridge Street Books in Washington DC.