from Kids of the Black Hole

I filled up pages

I filled up pages

I filled up pages

I filled up pages

I filled u-p-p-u-u-u-u-u-u-h pages

I filled u-p-p-u-u-u-u-u-u-h pages

I filled u-p-p-u-u-u-u-u-u-h pages

I filled u-p-p-u-u-u-u-u-u-h pages

I filled up hummmm UP hummmm UP

I filled up up up up up upun pages up UP the field

hummmm / the field up I filled up the field

up hup hup upeeee up up I FILLED UP the meadow

WITH WORDS & flowers I filled up SPAT UP the field

its padded back / its inside leaves in layers I FILLED UP

to drown the farflung nails THE MATTRESS upward

I feint & SPAT UP & fell back in a black hole HUP

I filled up myself WITH MINE OWN TONGUE my hole up

wordhole godhole lovehole killhole

a whole thing / a wounded supine fawn in the road


my beakhole cockhole deerhole follicle

my filed taxform incarnate MYSELF WITH HOLES I speed it up

the fawn flailing its legs in air when we near

for I am milkless / a FALLOW FIELD

a WOODGRAIN GOD I sleep I rot alright

on dewy grass the cowtipping boys all night fist my decomposing side

my ejected blue self comes riding hard

my dead / my egg / my GOTHIC FLOOR / mine PAGAN EYES

the fawn kicking like a roach on its back

you drag the fawn to the side of the road

do the fleas live on when you drag it over

do the lungs live on when you drag it over

do the parents mourn when you drag it over

do the innards come like jewels on concrete


do the roads turn wet when you slide it over

do my hands forcibly remove the fur

do I embrace its underbelly like a distant mother

do my hands dismantle themselves & enter the deer

do the baby-sized lungs emerge from the breast

does this evening smell like burning leaves

do I dream of deer for thirty-one days

does it come forcibly unsewn

Marty Cain lives with Kina and his two cats in Oxford, Mississippi. His poems have appeared in Spork Press, The Journal, Similar:Peaks::, The Minnesota Review, HTMLGiant, and elsewhere. He edits Yalobusha Review, and is currently pursuing his MFA.